◢◢ English Fun Podcast ◣◣

In our podcast, we will have conversations with many exciting professionals from different fields. We will learn about their stories, and find out what it takes for them to become great English learners/users.

English Fun 帶你認識各種專業領域、學習英文聽力,開創英文新視野!我們將邀請各領域專業人才做英語訪談,他們將分享人生故事與哲學。在成為優秀的雙語人才前,需要付出了多少努力與堅持!一起踏進英語學習的殿堂,邁向更成功的雙語人才吧!

Spotify    KKBOX    Apple Podcast 

◢◢ EP7-1.本集講師大揭密 ◣◣

Ep. 1:

  1. Why did you choose to come to Taiwan (but not other places)
  2. How did you prepare to apply for university? Were you sure of the major you picked before applying? If you had a change of mind, what sparked it?
  3. Were there any worries or contemplations before fixing your mind with the university and major you are in right now?
  4. How was your first year in university? (Main struggles in Taiwan: cultural differences, making friends, relocating to an unknown place, adaptation, opening bank accounts, selecting dorms, buying necessities)